Curricular Materials and Classroom Resources

Socially-based Curriculum Units · Work Wise


Resource Centre

Work Wise

The Work Wise unit, designed for Grade 10 Career Studies, GLC2O, provides essential workplace knowledge for young workers in Ontario, including labour laws and standards, health and safety issues, collaborative problem-solving, union membership and collective bargaining. The unit develops foundational knowledge of workforce vocabulary and issues to raise student awareness beyond the specifics of their job, including the quality and safety of their working environment and the terms and conditions of their employment. Interactive exercises are used to help students exercise their rights as workers and practice successful strategies for addressing and advancing issues in the workplace with colleagues and employers.

The Work Wise unit endeavours to prepare otherwise vulnerable young men and women for the opportunities and perils of the workplace. Having completed the Work Wise unit, students will have a strong grasp of their rights and legislation pertaining to employment in Ontario. The unit exposes students to common workplace issues and conflicts, helping them develop the necessary tools and confidence to advocate on their own behalf and on behalf of their colleagues.

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