100 Years Strong: 1919–2019

Chapter One · Chapter Seven — “At Your Service”



Chapter Seven — “At Your Service”

“At Your Service” The Expansion of theOntario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation Services

On December 30, 1919, when the founding members of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation met in the Oddfellows’ Temple on College Street in Toronto, they could never have envisioned that a century later, the organization they had just established would grow to provide over 60,000 members with a host of professional services and benefits.

Beyond the traditional trade union activities of providing members with the “3 P’s” of pay, protection, and pensions, OSSTF/FEESO has expanded its functions to provide for the professional and personal growth of its membership. For example, the Educational
Service Committee offers members some of the most advanced research and quality workshops dealing with the most sensitive contemporary educational issues.

Some services are unique to the Federation, like the Mediation Services Resource Board which offers professional conflict resolution support to members in conflict, and the Benevolent
Council which assists members in financial crises.

From pre-service professional development courses to pensions and the Active Retired Members organization, OSSTF/FEESO provides its members with career services from “cradle to grave.”

Over the last century, the Federation has expanded its services well beyond its original purpose. OSSTF/FEESO is a trade union and so much more. It provides an outstanding range of professional and personal service to assist the members who serve Ontario’s students.

Expansion of Services – 1994 Summer Workshop


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