For Immediate Release: Sunday, March 12, 2023
TORONTO, ON — On Sunday, March 12, 2023, Delegates of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) elected their Provincial Executive to represent the more than 60,000 members of the Federation. The elected officials will start their two-year term on July 1, 2023.
Those elected were Karen Littlewood, President; Martha Hradowy, Vice-President; Malini Leahy, Vice-President; Jeff Denys, Treasurer; Roxanne Beauchamp, Executive Officer; Sherry-Ann Bowen-Gordon, Executive Officer; and Colin Matthew, Executive Officer.
- Karen Littlewood was re-elected President of OSSTF/FEESO and is a teacher from District 17, Simcoe.
- Martha Hradowy was re-elected Vice-President and is a developmental service worker from District 9, Greater Essex.
- Malini Leahy, a teacher from District 2, Algoma, was elected Vice-President.
- Jeff Denys was acclaimed as Treasurer and is a teacher from District 8, Avon Maitland.
- Roxanne Beauchamp, a leadership coach from District 32, Centre-Sud-Ouest de l'Ontario, was elected Executive Officer.
- Sherry-Ann Bowen-Gordon was elected Executive Officer and is a speech-language pathologist from District 16, York Region.
- Colin Matthew, a teacher from District 15, Trillium Lakelands, was re-elected as Executive Officer.
Additionally, the Table Officer and Governors representing OSSTF/FEESO at the Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) were elected as follows:
- Mike Foulds, a teacher from District 7, Bluewater, was acclaimed as OTF Table Officer.
- Andy Adzic, a teacher from District 9, Greater Essex, was acclaimed as OTF Governor.
- Stephen Helleiner, a teacher from District 14, Kawartha Pine Ridge, was acclaimed as OTF Governor.
- Kelly McCarthy, a teacher from District 20, Halton, was acclaimed as OTF Governor.
- Shannon Vandenberghe, a teacher from District 28, Renfrew, was acclaimed as OTF Governor.
- Rebekkah Wilkin, a teacher from District 11, Thames Valley, was acclaimed as OTF Governor.
OSSTF/FEESO, founded in 1919, has over 60,000 members across Ontario. They include public high school teachers, occasional teachers, educational assistants, continuing education teachers and instructors, early childhood educators, psychologists, secretaries, speech-language pathologists, social workers, plant support personnel, university support staff, and many others in education.