News · OSSTF/FEESO Statement: Premier Ford and Minister Lecce are derelict in their duties



OSSTF/FEESO Statement: Premier Ford and Minister Lecce are derelict in their duties

January 21, 2021 — It should never have taken a Freedom of Information request to unearth this truth.

Internal ministry documents show that Premier Doug Ford and Minister of Education Stephen Lecce abandoned or ‘watered down’ significant safety protocols related to Ontario’s back-to-school plan. This evidence, as exposed by a Toronto Star Exclusive article published today, confirms a blatant disregard for public safety.

This blunder was not a miscalculation by this government. Premier Ford and Minister Lecce have put dollars before the safety of all. “Education workers, teachers, and families have spent this pandemic trying to understand why their fears, anger, and frustrations continue to be downplayed and ignored. This is a case of, we told you so,” said Harvey Bischof.

OSSTF/FEESO members are tired. Tired of being ignored. Tired of the disregard for safety. Tired of the lack of transparency. Minister Lecce, reverse course and prioritize safety for all.

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