Awards, Scholarships, Grants, and Bursaries

OSSTF/FEESO Awards of Recognition for Members · Awards for Members — Nomination Form



Awards for Members — Nomination Form

Tips for Nominators

  1. Make sure nomination, with supporting evidence and endorsement motion from District or Bargaining Unit (if required) is submitted before the due date. No exceptions will be made on due date extensions.
  2. Thoroughly read the criteria and use it to formulate the letter of support. Ensure that evidence, according to criteria guidelines, supports attributes that the committee or work group is looking for.
  3. Remember to upload any supporting documents or email them to the person named in the guidelines.
  4. Ensure that all relevant lines of the nomination form are filled out.
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2025

*Please indicate for which award you are nominating?
*Are you nominating an Individual?  
*Are you nominating a Group?  


*Name of Candidate  
*District Name and #  
*Bargaining Unit
  If other, please specify 
*City/Town *Postal Code
*Phone Number     


*Name of Nominator  
*District Name and #  
*Bargaining Unit
  If other, please specify 
*Telephone Number     

*Please provide examples which support the specified criteria for this award or summarize, with evidence, the work of the individual and group

*Please indicate specific roles and length of service in each category related to the specific field for which the award is meant. For example, if the application is for an Educational Services award, you may wish to include local, district or provincial involvement in Educational Services. If the application is for an Environment award, you may wish to include community activities relating to the award

*Indicate other activities, which may be relevant to the criteria of this award. For example, if this is a Protective Services Committee award, you may wish to specify which leadership role the candidate has provided in the area of member protection


Attached Document 1

Attached Document 2

Attached Document 3

Attached Document 4

Attached Document 5