About Us · What We Do


About Us

What We Do

OSSTF/FEESO is a strong, independent, socially active union that promotes and advances the cause of public education and the rights of students, educators and educational workers.  While establishing working conditions for its members, OSSTF/FEESO also works to build strong public services, preserve academic freedom, prevent the privatization and commercialization of our educational institutions, ensure that students receive an education free of bias and discrimination and provide an equitable opportunity for all students to succeed in a strong, well-funded public education system.

Protective Services

The Protective Services Department is responsible for many of OSSTF/FEESO’s statutory and non-statutory responsibilities. Among these are negotiations, grievances/arbitrations, education finance, pay equity, health and safety, benefits, long term disability, training and organizing.

Educational Services

The Educational Services Department is responsible for issues related to teacher education, testing, curriculum, resource books, educational research, professional colleges and special education. The department administers scholarships, bursaries, staff development funding and sponsors professional conferences and workshops. It also manages the work of three OSSTF/FEESO councils – Parliamentary and Constitution, Mediation and Judicial – and the Educational Services Committee.

Communications and Political Action

The Communications and Political Action Department is responsible for political issues such as equity and diversity, social justice, status of women, and international assistance. The department oversees lobbying and communications with members and the media. It is also responsible for the publishing Update, a monthly newsletter for all members, and Education Forum, a periodical issued three times per year.