
2016—2017 · Vol. 44 No. 2



Because of her

Trailblazers. Innovators. Pioneers. Vanguards.

During the month of October, we celebrate Women’s History Month. And we have many stories to tell. Recognizing the achievements of the remarkable women who have shaped our nation is as important to Canada as the history they’ve changed. Brave and bold, these women transformed the landscape for women of their time, and for the sisters who have followed.

In 1867, Emily Stowe became the first woman to practice medicine in Canada. According to the Canadian Medical Association, of the 80,000 doctors who practice medicine in Canada today, 40 per cent are women and 65 per cent of those women are under 35 years of age.

Clara Brett Martin was admitted to the bar as the first female lawyer in Canada in 1897. According to Catalyst.org, more than 22,000 women were practicing law in Canada in 2010.

In 1903, Emma Baker became the first woman in Canada to obtain her Ph.D. She earned her psychology degree from the University of Toronto. Universities Canada states that 58 per cent of university graduates are women. In 2010, there were over 990 thousand university students enrolled in full-time studies and a further 330 thousand in part-time studies.

Without the Emmas, Emilys and Claras of our world—the trailblazers—where would women be? Where would you be?

This month, use social media to celebrate and reflect on the journey that you’ve taken #Becauseofher.

Whether you are where you are today because of a woman in our past or because you are the trailblazer leaving your mark for a woman in your life, tell the world. Women owe their lives, their liberties and their position in life to those brave and bold women who came before us. Now it’s our turn to be the brave and to be bold in the changes that we make for our daughters and granddaughters and nieces and sisters.

What have you done#Becauseofher?

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