Curricular Materials and Classroom Resources

Socially-based Curriculum Units · Heightening Our Awareness of Canada’s Native People


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Heightening Our Awareness of Canada’s Native People

Socially-based Curriculum Unit

This unit, developed for ENG3E (English, Grade 11, Workplace Preparation), uses W.P. Kinsella’s short story anthology Dance Me Outside for a study of the past and present treatment of Natives in Canada, but also for an understanding of the behaviour of non-Natives.

The big ideas that students will understand include: tolerance, awareness, and acceptance of Native culture. The key knowledge concepts include:

  • learning about different types of values and value systems as they apply to individuals and different cultures;

  • learning more about the definitions of stereotypes, discrimination and racism as they apply to the stories studied;

  • learning about standard and non-standard language usage and their place in different societies;

  • differentiating between connotation and denotation.

Skills that the students will learn as a result of this unit include reading for meaning and analysis, and critical thinking skills.

The unit culminates in a comparison of the book with its film adaptation.

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