
2016—2017 · Vol. 44 No. 2



Member recognition

Seven members of OSSTF/

FEESO were presented with prestigious awards at Provincial Council in June. They were recognized for their work and dedication on behalf of the Federation in a variety of capacities.

Linda Brisson (District 33—District de l’Est) was presented the Comité des services en langue française Award of Merit for her contributions to promoting French language activities that have an impact on the education system. Linda has been recognized as an active leader within her District and bargaining unit, and has been a strong advocate for French language services in her
school community.

Lynne Montpellier (District 3—Rainbow) was recognized as the winner of the Communications Award, which acknowledges an individual, bargaining unit or District for their effective efforts in communicating with their local members. Lynne successfully took on the challenge of keeping her members informed and motivated through local publications before and during their local strike in the spring of 2015.

Daniel Peat (District 22—Niagara) was presented the Political Action Award in honour of Larry French and Wendell Fulton for his leadership in political action within the Federation and through his work with other unions and labour councils. Daniel is well known for his many years of dedication to progressive political action and activism, both in his District and at the provincial level.

Diane Akitt (District 7—Bluewater) was the winner of the James Forster Human Rights Award for her dedication to supporting social justice issues and promotion of human rights locally. Diane has become known in her school community for organizing a gay-straight alliance in her school, and she has been an active member of her local
OSSTF/FEESO Human Rights/Status of Women Committee.

Gerry Culhane (District 1—Ontario North East) was presented with the prestigious Provincial Executive Award, which is given to a member who, in the opinion of the Provincial Executive, has rendered meritorious and outstanding services to OSSTF/FEESO at both the provincial and local level. Gerry has been a District and bargaining unit president, and served as the chair of the Provincial Educational Services Committee from 2001–2003.

District 29—Hastings—Prince Edward received the Bob Brooks Award recognizing the work of the District to foster positive relations between OSSTF/FEESO and the school community. District 29 initiated the Kevin Manion Memorial Lecture Series in memory of a former member who died in a tragic accident in 1998. The lectures focus on social justice issues, and have included Linwood Barclay, Stephen Lewis, Maude Barlow and Wab Kinew as speakers. Doug Ferguson accepted the Award on behalf of District 29.

Ian Cotter (District 24—Waterloo) was the winner of the Norm Snyder Award, which recognizes the outstanding contributions by a member of a District or Bargaining Unit committee or branch executive. Ian was recognized for his work as a member of the Teachers/Occasional Teachers Bargaining Unit Executive and was acknowledged for his dedication for serving on a number of committees in his District.

If you think a member from your District or Bargaining Unit is deserving of recognition, check out the list of provincial awards for members on the OSSTF/FEESO website under the
Services section.

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