Curricular Materials and Classroom Resources

Socially-based Curriculum Units · Use of Science Technologies in Society


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Use of Science Technologies in Society

Socially-based Curriculum Unit

This unit, developed for SBI3U (Grade 11 Biology, University Preparation), focuses on the advantages and disadvantages in the application of science technologies such as DNA fingerprinting, cloning and genetic engineering in society, especially in the fields of forensics, medicine, and agriculture. The goal is for students to become more compassionate and sociably-responsible scientists.

  • Students will learn how to use various genetic technologies in science such as PCR machines and gel electrophoresis used for DNA fingerprinting and/or micropipettes and agar plates used for bacterial gene transformation.

  • Students will learn how genetic technologies in science have helped police solve rape and/or homicide cases in the field of forensics, advanced the treatment of disorders and diseases in medicine, engineered agricultures that are more insect-resistant and commercially productive.

  • Students will learn why scientists must have moral and social responsibilities in the application of science in society.

  • Students will build critical thinking skills by evaluating scientific information from history, journals, the media, and political organizations while recognizing issues of funding inequities, political initiatives, biased and prejudicial perspectives, issues of discrimination and principles of morality.

  • Students will develop global awareness by researching current events on genocide and recently published scientific studies on racial biology.

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