
AMPA · Student Achievement Awards 2010


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Student Achievement Awards 2010

The Student Achievement Awards is a writing and creative arts competition which is open to all public secondary school students in Ontario. Winners are celebrated at the Annual Meeting of the Provincial Assembly (AMPA) through the screening of a video which highlights their artistic and academic work. Below is the Student Achievement Awards Video from AMPA 2010.

Living Within Our Means

Are you a conscientious consumer? Do you shop responsibly? Living within our means requires looking outward: buy what you need as opposed to what you want; make do with what you have; consider going back to the basics. In this day and age, our global concerns must begin with local solutions. This can be achieved by avoiding disposable technology and thinking about sustainability. We should be buying locally, reducing waste, and assessing our material values. It is time to wake up and smell the local produce!

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