Awards, Scholarships, Grants, and Bursaries · OSSTF/FEESO Awards of Recognition for Members


Awards, Scholarships, Grants, and Bursaries · OSSTF/FEESO Awards of Recognition for Members



OSSTF/FEESO Awards of Recognition for Members

These awards to recognize outstanding contributions by members to the OSSTF/FEESO. Some are provincial awards, others are district awards. Further information and, if applicable, application forms, can be accessed on each individual page.

A printable summary of the Awards of Recognition for Members is available for review.

Inside Awards for Members
André Lécuyer Award
This award is presented annually at AMPA by the Educational Services Committee to a member in recognition of outstanding contributions, especially in the area of professional development.
Award of Merit
An Award of Merit may be conferred by the Provincial Executive upon a member, who, in the opinion of a provincial district executive or the Provincial Executive, has rendered meritorious and outstanding service to the OSSTF/FEESO at the provincial district/bargaining unit level, or at both the provincial district/bargaining unit and provincial levels.
Bob Brooks Award
The Bob Brooks Award is presented for excellence in school community relations. The award may be bestowed, once in a career, upon an individual OSSTF/FEESO member, a staff, or a Federation group. Nominations are encouraged from school staffs, parent or community groups, student councils or individuals. Each nomination must have approval from the district executive.
Comité des services en langue française Award
The award recognizes an OSSTF/FEESO member who distinguishes himself/herself and is involved in the growth and the promotion of the French language within OSSTF/FEESO. Within their workplace, candidates will also have demonstrated contributions to French language activities that have an impact on the education system.
Communication Award
The OSSTF/FEESO Communication Award recognizes and celebrates effective efforts in communication made by districts, bargaining units or individuals during the past calendar year.
Environmental Award
The OSSTF/FEESO Environmental Award celebrates the achievements of a member, District or Bargaining Unit for their dedication to environmental activism within the federation and/or community.
Honorary Membership
Honorary Memberships are awarded on request from the district/bargaining unit to retiring members who have at least fifteen years of continuous membership in the Federation, an active interest in its affairs.
James Forster Human Rights Award
This award shall be presented annually at AMPA to a member of OSSTF/FEESO who has shown exemplary dedication in the struggle for equity and the promotion of human rights locally, provincially and/or internationally over a number of years.
Jennifer MacLean Health and Safety Award
This award recognizes outstanding achievement in the area of health and safety by an OSSTF/FEESO member. The award recipient is selected by the Health and Safety/Workplace Safety Insurance Act Committee and the award is presented annually at AMPA.
John McNeil Award
This award recognizes outstanding achievement in the area of collective bargaining by an OSSTF/FEESO member. The award recipient is selected by the Provincial Protective Services Committee and the award is presented annually at the Collective Bargaining Conference.
Kelly Ann McKenzie Award
This award is given annually to a current member of OSSTF/FEESO who has made substantive contributions to the professional growth and development of education worker members over an extended period of time. It will be presented at either the Biennial Educational Services Professional Development Conference or the Educational Services Officers Conference.
The Liz Barkley Status of Women Award
The Liz Barkley Status of Women Award is presented annually at AMPA to recognize activism and leadership by an OSSTF/FEESO member in advocating and building awareness on women's economic and equality issues. The award is sponsored by the Provincial Status of Women Committee.
Nancy Warrener Award
This award is presented annually by the Educational Services Committee to an OSSTF/FEESO member who demonstrate a high level of energy, a positive outlook, commitment to the professional development needs of all members, assistance to new OSSTF/FEESO members, and involvement at both the district and provincial levels.
Norm Snyder Award
This award is presented annually to an OSSTF/FEESO member currently on a District/Bargaining Unit/Branch Committee or District/Bargaining Unit Branch Executive in recognition of outstanding service to OSSTF/FEESO, both provincially and locally.
Political Action Award — In honour of Wendell Fulton and Larry French
The OSSTF/FEESO Political Action Award in honour of Larry French and Wendell Fulton is presented annually to a member who has shown outstanding leadership in political action either within the Federation or through work with political parties, other unions or labour councils.
Provincial Executive Award
This award is available annually to a limited number of exceptional members, on their retirement who have rendered meritorious and outstanding services to the OSSTF/FEESO at both the provincial and local level.
Racial Justice Agent of Change Award
This award recognizes an OSSTF/FEESO member, Bargaining Unit or District who has contributed significantly to community building, outreach and advocacy, teaching and/or training relating to issues relevant to Black and racialized members. This contribution includes notable organizing efforts to dismantle anti-Black racism and racism while addressing material and societal inequities that disproportionally affect Black and racialized members and communities.
Solidarity Award
This award honours and publicly celebrates a member who, throughout their career, has embodied the Federation motto – Let us not take thought for our separate interests, but let us help one another. To be considered for the award, the member must have done exemplary work within a Local or District, and whose leadership and activism has demonstrated a deep commitment to strengthening the Federation.

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