Building on our first two successful Common Threads projects on globalization and HIV/AIDS, the Federation is embarking on our third project.
Water is fast becoming one of the main environmental and social priorities of the 21st century. Access to this precious resource is a growing concern for developing countries and also here in Canada. Recent events on Canada’s First Nation reserves show that water as a natural resource should not be taken for granted.
Working with the Confederation of Educational Workers of Bolivia, the third Common Threads project will send a team of volunteer members to Bolivia to conduct research resulting in the creation of curriculum on water and privatization.
Bolivia is a rare case study in the privatization of water and its subsequent reversal. Possible themes include water as a basic right and as a resource that can be traded and commercialized. The team will also look at related issues such as equal access to clean water and sanitation, pollution and climate change and Canada’s role in protecting this critical resource.